The Importance of the Warm-Up and Cool-Down With Your Workout

If you exercise regularly, you know a quality workout consists not only of the exercise itself, but also the warmup and cool down for it to be the most effective. Yet too often we skip these steps because we just want to finish the workout. However, the warmup and cool down will make your workout… Read more »

How Can You Speed Up Recovery After Exercise?

When you exercise, how do you feel after you’ve finished? How long does it take before that feeling of exhaustion and fatigue goes away? If you stick mostly to rest and some water, there are other steps you can take as well to help you speed up your recovery. Stretch. When you exercise, how do you… Read more »

Words Matter! Take Action.

As we know, words have a lot of power. If you want to communicate well with others, you must be able to speak and express yourself clearly. And when it comes to a resume, carefully chosen words can make the difference between getting the interview or getting passed over. Go beyond typical “action” verbs. When… Read more »

The Truth About Employee Retention

You may well have heard the statement that today’s millennial employees jump from job to job, staying only a year or two before moving onto greener pastures. First, research from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics belies that myth, pointing out that while in 1983 the average employee stayed at the same company for 3.5… Read more »

Why a Regular Bedtime Is Critical to Living Healthy and Happy!

Ask any kid which rule they like least, and bedtime will probably crop up. Yet anyone who has regular interaction with children knows the importance of regular bedtime and getting enough sleep–particularly those sleep-deprived kids who act grumpy and look exhausted all day. As adults, we figure we don’t have to adhere to a bedtime… Read more »

Be Creative and Liven Up Healthy Eating!

If you’ve rotated the same six meals weekly for the past few months and want to find something new, consider looking on Pinterest. If you don’t have an account, it’s worth creating one just for recipes alone — the choices are literally right at your fingertips. Start broadly, then narrow your search. Let’s say you… Read more »

How Friendship Can Help You Live a Full Life!

In this age of social media where the average Facebook user has 338 “friends,” it’s important to have true, deep friendships as well. Think of the last time you spent time with someone close to you and either laughed until your stomach hurt or cried on their shoulder. Didn’t you feel better after doing that,… Read more »

Make Fitness a Lifestyle!

Most of us probably have at one time in our lives kept a gym membership that laid dormant for months, taking more out of our wallets than spurring us to hit the treadmill. Or maybe you have a treadmill in your house…covered with extra sheets and shirts that need ironing. Or your running shoes have… Read more »

Treat Your Feet Right

The average American walks anywhere from 5,000 to 7,000 steps a day, although we should strive for 10,000. Now ask yourself: How many of those steps do you take in uncomfortable or non-supportive shoes? We tend to ignore our feet unless forced to do so by pain. However, doing this has effects that resonate throughout… Read more »

The Meal Prep Craze: Should You Give it a Try?

What happens when you combine the desire to eat healthy with an incredibly busy schedule? If you don’t take some time to prepare, it could involve a lot of pre-made meals, spaghetti and take-out. Enter the idea of preparing meals ahead of time, a relatively easy way to help get healthier meals on the table… Read more »