We have so many things going on in our lives today, that multi-tasking reigns as king. If you’re not doing three things at once, you’re not doing enough. Our attention is constantly taken away from a task by a ping on the phone alerting us to that all-too-important email, text, or app update. There are hundreds of channels to whet our appetites, and the average TV scene lasts maybe three minutes before a commercial or a cutaway to a different scene. So how can we ever manage to concentrate on one thing at a time and get more done?

If you do a basic search about how to improve concentration, you’ll get over 27 million responses in under one second, so don’t feel you’re alone if you notice your attention wandering. Use some of these suggestions the next time you want to improve your focus:

  • Consider your environment.

Think about when you get your best work done. Do you need total silence, or does that actually distract you? Music often helps, primarily instrumental. Some people even use different forms of white noise so they have something in the background. Eliminate the distracting noises of your computer and phone by turning them down (no vibrations!) for all but the most important of contacts. If you’re distracted every time someone walks by, sit facing away. Make sure you’re comfortable, yet alert.

  • Take breaks.

While it may sound counterintuitive, the fact is that our brains can only focus for so long before the concentration begins to break down, unless we’re truly engaged in the task. Consider this: The average lifeguard is required to take a break every fifteen minutes so their focus doesn’t begin to wander; you may want to stretch yours to every half hour or hour. If your mind begins to wander, take 5 minutes to get up and walk around, stretch, or refocus your eyes on something else.

  • Do some mental exercise.

Heard of Lumosity or Sudoku? Both are popular ways to mentally challenge your brain, and a more active brain can concentrate better. The same goes for crossword puzzles, reading, and learning a new language. All of these activities challenge your brain or take on new information, which helps improve concentration.

Remember as well to eat healthily, get enough sleep, and get your body moving regularly as all of this helps with focus as well. And the next time you find your mind wandering, use these tips to get yourself back on track.

For more tips on health and wellness or to learn about foods that help you concentrate, read our related blogs or reach out to theexperienced recruiting team at Medical Professionals today.

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