Have you ever hit a point in your life where you felt stuck, either in a certain stage of life, a relationship or a career? As teenagers, many of us felt nobody understood us and wondered when this adolescent angst would just go away (as many teenagers speak in italics). And many of us have stayed in jobs out of habit or fear. That never feels good, and it may seem like something we can’t get out of. So how can we turn the negatives around?

  • Recognize how much of that feeling you have created. When you feel stuck, focus on that verb: Feel. You have created this feeling, probably because you also feel as though you should/must/ought to do something more or something else. And while this may sound contradictory, allow yourself to recognize you created this feeling. Sometimes acknowledging that stuck sensation helps to lessen its grip on you because it lets you shift your focus. You can either accept that stuck feeling and focus on things that make you happy, or you can figure out what steps you can take to get yourself unstuck.
  • Look at what you can control. In a dead-end job or one that makes you think of a hamster stuck in its wheel? You have the power to do something about it. Allow this feeling of stuck-ness to motivate you to get out. Struggling in quicksand will only make you sink further down. Once you stop moving and find something to help you get out, that’s when you start making progress. With regard to a job, you may even want to focus on a project that will look good on your resume. Or start quietly networking with your contacts to see what’s out there. Consider working with a recruiter in your industry. Making moves will help you feel more in control.
  • Know the job market has made a turnaround. In an economy that has come a long way in the last ten years, companies want qualified employees to fill open spots. And many places have taken on new innovations that require new employees to breathe life into them. Look at your own company — has it grown recently? If so, you may have the ability to position yourself as someone who can take on new responsibilities, thus changing your role and reinvigorating your interest in the job. Employers also know they need to offer good salaries and benefits to get the employees they want, so polish your resume and take advantage of that.

If you feel stuck in life or a job, take a breath and accept that feeling of stuck-ness, take stock of what you can control and take action. What new career move can 2017 and beyond bring for you?

Reach out to our specialized recruiting team at Medical Professionals to partner in your job search today!

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