When you consider your current life, can you think of anything you’d like to do? Accomplish? Do you have any “I wish I could/would…” thoughts swirling in your head? Are these things you really want to get done or just wistful dreams? Research says we experience the most positive emotional response when we move forward on achieving our most difficult goals — perhaps because it moves us toward that feeling of fulfillment, of accomplishing something we truly want.
- Where to start? First, and this may sound basic, write it down. Doing so turns it from a dream into a goal. Find a place: Your daily planner, a calendar, a giant list somewhere prominent in your house…somewhere you will see it every day and read it, reminding yourself of your goal. And make sure it’s a SMART goal: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused and Time-based. Instead of “eat healthy,” change that to “Eat one serving of vegetables at lunch and dinner 5x a week,” for example. That way you can see what you’ve managed and make yourself feel better about your achievements.
- Plan to succeed, and accept your setbacks. When you plan how you will accomplish a goal, you’ve moved past the initial barrier to success: figuring out how to do it. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Again, writing down your goal and breaking it down into smaller increments makes it easier for you to build on small successes…and easier to reach them. Figure out what usual roadblocks stand in your way and do what you can to move clear your path, remembering you don’t have to go it alone. Having someone to check in with can help you feel accountable and supported. You may have obstacles that set you back–just keep moving forward in spite of them.
- Remember the good feelings. Any small success you have, revel in the feeling and know that each one builds upon the last until when you finally reach your goal, you get a sense of fulfillment that you have done it–it’s a combination of relief, pride and elation that you put in the time and effort to do something important to you, and that feeling will carry you further than any sense of regret for opportunities missed.
Setting yourself up to achieve your goals will make you feel more fulfilled in your life. Stop reading and get going–don’t let anything hold you back. If you’re interested in more lifestyle content, read our related blog posts or contact the professional recruiting team at Medical Professionals today!
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