Everyone has a morning routine. It can be as simple as wake up, brush your teeth, shower, get dressed and head out the door. Others are more complicated and involve additional steps or practices. However, each routine serves the same purpose – to get you ready for the day ahead. The way you start your day has a significant impact on the way it ends. Therefore, it’s important to develop a morning routine that helps you center yourself before you go out into the world.
Prepare things the night before
Remember in grade school when you planned your outfit for the first day of school? How about the night before a morning flight? You should apply these same methods to your morning routine. Do simple things the night before like iron your suit or take a shower. That way the next day you can freshen up without going through the process of choosing an outfit or taking a bath.
If you take your lunch to work, prepare it the night before and place it in the refrigerator. Some people make breakfast smoothies every morning. Organize the ingredients and refrigerate them for the next day. Figure out what steps you can do the night before to make your morning routine easier.
When you first wake up, there’s this period of adjusting your body and consciousness to reality. It’s during this moment you feel a transition. Meditation feels the same way. It can feel almost like your body is traveling between two worlds: one of calmness and the other of distraction. Meditating can put you in the right frame of mind before starting your day.
Get a decent amount of sleep
Sleep is the way your body recharges for the next day. Many people don’t get a decent amount of sleep (researchers recommend at least seven hours) and wake up the next day feeling out of sorts. One of the secrets to a great day is a restful sleep the night before.
Medical Professionals
We always want you feeling your best, so we encourage switching up your morning routine to get the most out of your day. In our blog, we offer additional tips to help you be more productive. Be sure to check it out!
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